Their Story:
Tiffany: " We've been together since high school off and on for 16 yrs raising two beautiful kids. It was a love at first sight story, lol. Fast forward, the last couple years have been a lil Rocky for us. No man is perfect but he vowed to make the days ahead perfect for me. Within the last 6months we were able to rekindle our relationship that we thought we grew apart from, it was a lil Rocky at first but we are sticking in. We made promises to each other not to allow anything or anyone come in between us! We started to do Date nights once a week, his pick then my pick, and often times we'll do a family night with our babies involved!
I can tell you I fell in love with this man all over again! He's been paying so much attention to the details of me and it got me on a all time high! I saw The Camp F.L.Y. posts on social media and tagged Trevor. I told him something as simple, beautiful and sweet as that would make me feel on top of the world! And He made that happen!
We started the day with me getting my nails done, then a couples spa session, to a beautiful picnic date. This date on the beach hosted by Camp F.L.Y. and Rina Starr Photography capturing it all was the most perfect date I could ever have experienced.

Yes I was surprised and yes it was everything I needed and much more!"

The Setup:
Keeya & Sulena owners of Camp F.L.Y.
Our first date setup on the beach brought about much anticipation.
Arrival at the beach...
Upon arrival at the beach it was much more crowded than expected so finding the right spot to make this surprise come together was going to be paramount.
With the help of our photographer Rina Starr, we found the perfect spot! (She’s all about the angles!)

Clients arrival...
By the time the clients got to the beach the gate was closed due to capacity!! Of course at this point we are freaking out. Thank God the gate reopened after a few folks already at the beach left out!
Tiffany was so surprised she was shaking! There wasn’t a proposal this time but we all could agree that Trevor did a great job! The beautiful couple enjoyed their date at the beach Camp F.L.Y. Style!
The Shoot:
Rina Starr
This is what I love. Working with amazing, beautiful and talented individuals. Trevor and Tiffany were so fun to shoot with. So much anticipation was building for this shoot. Waiting on the beach for the couple to arrive felt like an eternity. Once I spotted them walking down the board walk I started to have butterflies.
Now mind you I just just finished telling Sulena (co-owner of Camp F.L.Y.) that I don't get nervous anymore. lol This was different. I was excited to see their excitement. I was standing by the most beautiful set up and I knew Tiffany had no idea. As they got closer I was able to witness the most beautiful thing. Tiffany was blushing and smiling from ear to ear.
I enjoyed photographing their love. Their smiles, laughs and kisses.

Their love is everlasting. May it flourish until the end of time.
